Why I Started Conquering Cash

Money is physical yet it is tied to so much emotion. We all have our own history and relationship with money. Money is something that can make life easier. While having lots of it does not necessarily make life easier or bring happiness, having enough money can make navigating through various aspects of life less challenging.

I know what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck, and today I don’t have to live this way because of many basic concepts I’ve learned, habits I’ve created, and priorities I have set. In this blog—Conquering Cash—I share these ideas with other people and hopefully help them.

I grew up with a solid foundation, a loving family, and I was instilled with many frugal traits by my parents. They constantly asked me if I “needed” something after saying I “wanted” something.

The basic concept of need versus want may perhaps be one of the most important concepts to begin life with, and I was lucky to learn that lesson early on. We had everything we needed, though not a ton, because of their actions. We always had enough. Somehow. Someway. They did it.

I am going to start off my blog with basic frugal concepts and progressively take you on my journey. My focus is to focus on ways to conquer cash and make personal financial decisions for a better life.

My knowledge continues to evolve my knowledge. I love to learn and I hope to learn from my readers as well.

I admit that I am quite eclectic so expect some variety with my posts as I believe that frugality is applicable to so many parts of our lives! Adopting a frugal lifestyle will lead you to many positive experiences, I promise!

Thanks for reading and coming along on my journey, no matter where you are with yours! Together we shall grow!



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1 thought on “Why I Started Conquering Cash”

  1. Pingback: My Journey: What I’ve Learned From Three Years of Blogging

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