How to Save Money on Haircuts

Part of being frugal is identifying things that you don’t mind doing, and doing it yourself rather than paying others. Each month, for example, I do haircuts for my family. This includes cutting hair for my three kids, myself, and my husband. Since I have a family of five, this means that I save significant money by cutting everyone’s hair. To do basic haircuts, there are a few basic things to learn and as a result, you can save money. Plus, it’s fun!

Haircut Cost

Let’s break down what I save per year. I compared a few local salons, and this is what I came up with based on the age of my family members and assuming the lowest cost by getting a dry cut:

  • 1 Men’s dry cut: $20+
  • 1 Women’s dry cut: $30+
  • 3 Children’s dry cuts: $16+ each

I save $98 a month on haircuts a month. That is $1,176/year saved! This creates extra cash for me in my budget that I can use in other ways.

However, there are also other benefits to cutting my family’s hair other than money. Another benefit is time. I don’t have to drive to the salon, schedule appointments, or sit there waiting for them to have their hair cut. I tend to do haircuts Saturday mornings or after dinner during the week, whenever there is downtime.

Hair Cut for Men

According to the Professional Beauty Association, the average men’s haircut is $28. Well, I’ve been cutting my husband’s hair now for 15 years – that’s a whopping $5,040!

Cut Hair for Kids

In addition, my kids are pretty relaxed at home. So, it takes away some of the stress. They generally cooperate quite well. When they were smaller, it was more challenging but an iPad usually kept them still for long enough for me to cut their hair.

Since my kids are getting older, it’s getting a little easier but at the same time more challenging in that I’ve been asked to experiment with different cuts. So far, I’ve been able to handle their requests.

Here I am cutting my daughter’s hair.

In addition, I get a lot of satisfaction out of cutting their hair. And, now that I’ve learned basic tips, I enjoy it even more.

Tools to Cut Hair

To cut hair, all you need is some time, a decent pair of hair cutting scissors, and possibly hair clippers. It is also helpful to have a cape. This is well worth the investment!

How to Cut Hair

There are so many great instructional videos out there for cutting hair online. So, I won’t try to explain this myself! I recommend that you watch some YouTube videos to learn techniques.

Should You Cut Your Own Hair

The first time I cut my own hair is when I was donating it, and since then I’ve just continued to do so. I have since decided to stop coloring my hair and am embracing my gray hair. I am overall much happier this way.

If you have shorter hair, it can be a lot more challenging to cut your own hair. If your hair is longer, there are various techniques for putting your hair in ponytails and cutting it. I currently have medium-length hair which also can be a little challenging.

Tips to Learn How to Do Haircuts

Here are some tips to get started.

  • You really do want to get a decent pair of hair scissors. If you get a kit that comes with a pair then they are ok to start off with.
  • If you are cutting a short hairstyle you may also need a pair of hair clippers. Look for tutorials on blending the top and bottom.
  • Don’t go too long between cuts, as it makes it harder to touch up.
  • When it comes to clippers, start with a higher number and work your way down to figure out the desired attachment number.
  • While a cape isn’t necessary, it helps keep things clean. Make sure you wear shoes so that your socks don’t collect all of the hair that drops.
  • YouTube videos can help you learn.
  • Start with super basic cuts!
  • Keep lollipops on hand. My children get lollipops when their cuts are complete.
  • Try doing a cut when you have plenty of time.

What do you think? Are you willing to give this a try? Do you cut hair at all for your friends or family?


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