13 Practical Tips for Saving Money on Clothes

Hello there, fashionistas and frugal shoppers! Are you tired of breaking the bank every time you need a new outfit? No worries, for I am here to share some shopping tips to save money on clothes. These tips are not only practical but easy to accomplish. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to become a savvy shopper! 

I do not claim to be a fashionista, that is for sure. I know that I don’t value clothes as much as others, so I am not willing to spend as much money on them. However, I believe with some intention, you can still find clothes that you like without paying a ton of money for them! With that said, here are some of my practical tips for saving money on clothes.

How to save money on clothes?

Tip 1: Don’t go “Back to School” Shopping!

I don’t go shopping for “back to school”. When my first child went to kindergarten, I was confused as to what I needed to buy for school and didn’t understand what the craze was about. My child already had clothes and a basic backpack, what else did she need? Over the years, I’ve learned that the marketers for these stores really want me to go back to school shopping and spend hundreds of dollars on new clothes and other things we do not actually need. The reality is that my children will wear their favorites no matter if they are new or not. In the end, it will just frustrate me to see the new clothes hanging up in their closet. I don’t go back to school shopping. I instead buy clothes when my child needs them.

Tip 2: Let your children pick out their clothes!

Involving my children to shop for their own clothing rather than having me do it alone has saved me money. They tend to wear their favorites over and over again. Now that my children are getting older, they have their unique sense of style and are learning what clothes they prefer. If they don’t like something, they will pick something else to wear. I am pretty careful about making purchases for my oldest when she is not present for this reason. With my other two, I can still shop for a fair amount of things, but we are almost double digits in this house so it’s game on with becoming a fashionista for her! To be honest, I am the same way in that I tend to wear my favorites over and over again. I have my favorite t-shirt and pants that I will always put on if they are in my drawer, which brings me to my next point.

Tip 3: Be intentional with your wardrobe selection.

I don’t shop for clothes very often. I am not one to go shopping just for fun. When I do go shopping though, it’s most likely because I need a specific item or because I know there is a great sale happening. Even when there is a sale, I am still focused on being intentional about what I need. You can save a lot of money on clothes by being intentional with your clothing purchases. This is likely the most important tip to save money on clothes.

There is also the minimalist in me that believes that we don’t need as many multiples of items. And, if you have children, they grow quickly out of their clothing and shoes. So by not buying multiples, we can save a fair amount of money. Plus, there are fewer items to try to wash and organize, and ultimately donate or consign.

I’ve found that 2-3 sweatshirts are sufficient. I also don’t go crazy buying a lot of shoes. My children have sneakers, a summer croc, rain boots, and 1-2 dress shoes. My daughters typically have a white and a black pair of dress shoes, while my son just has one. During soccer, we throw a pair of cleats into the mix. In my wardrobe, I admittedly have a few more but not by much. I like to have gardening shoes and inside sneakers for walking in the house and for working out. 

Tip 4: Focus on quality over quantity.

In general, I focus on quality over quantity. I’d rather invest in high-quality pieces that will last a long time. This will save me money in the long run, as I won’t have to constantly replace cheaply made clothing. This tip to save money on clothes goes along well with being intentional.

Tip 5: Wear your clothes for as long as possible.

Another way that I like to save money on clothes is to wear them for as long as possible. I have some clothes that I’ve had for so many years that it’s surprising to even me at times. Would you be surprised if I told you that I have had some of the same clothes for 15 years? It’s true, many of my clothes fall into the 10-15 year range. Some of the items that fall into this range are those classic items that may not get as much wear, which leads me to my next point.

Tip 6: Consider purchasing timeless pieces that will never go out of style.

Classic items like a white button-down shirt, a black cocktail dress, or a well-fitted blazer can last you for years and can be paired with different accessories and trends to create a variety of looks. These pieces may be a bit pricier upfront, but they’ll save you money in the long run by not having to constantly replace trendy items. Plus, you’ll always look chic and put together no matter the current fashion fads.

Here are some of my timeless articles of clothing:

  • Sweaters. They are pretty traditional in style.
  • Jackets that I don’t wear often but for a dressy event.
  • Dresses for weddings or other special events. I own a few of these as of late. My husband recently purchased me a spring one that is something I wouldn’t typically purchase but I did enlighten him and wear it for Easter. I also have a black cocktail dress and one with a pattern.
  • Dress pants. I’ve worked from home for the past 12 years. I don’t have a frequent need for dress pants but when I do go onsite for trips I do need them occasionally.

Tip 7: Always try on your clothes before you buy them.

I always make sure I try clothes on before I buy them. As much as I hate trying clothes on, there is a good chance that I only really like about 25% of what I put on my body. If you don’t want to try on clothes and then you buy it and take it home, and then decide you hate it, now that money is gone unless you take it back. I know I’ve been caught in this behavior before. It’s pretty frustrating having a shirt with tags on it in your closet knowing that you just don’t like. I’ve learned to admit my mistake and just donate the shirt so that I don’t look at it in irritation each time. Save money on clothes by making sure you love them when you buy them so that you keep them for a long time!

Tip 8: Avoid shopping for clothes for fun.

There are rare times that I go shopping for fun. This may be at the outlets on the way home from the beach or whatnot. On these trips I may get something that I want and perhaps out of the ordinary for the price. 

Tip 9: Only buy items on sale that you love.

First off, let’s talk about the power of sales. Sales are like unicorns – they’re magical, elusive creatures that can save you tons of dough. Keep an eye out for end-of-season sales, Black Friday deals, and other special promotions. You might just score that cute dress you’ve been eyeing for half the price. Just make sure you don’t go overboard and buy things you don’t need.

I think it’s really important to get what you like and not just something because it is on sale. This trap can cause you to purchase items that you don’t love just because of the price. I always like to make sure that I am buying something because I like it not because I like the price. 

Tip 10: Shop for sales at the end of the season.

Like I said, I don’t shop for clothes very often. But when a great sale is happening, I will go out of my way to check it out. Shopping out of season will save you big bucks. Buy your winter coat in the spring and your swimsuit in the fall. For example, I went to JCPenney when they had their end-of-clearance sale and I essentially saved $400 some dollars. I walked out of there by only spending $40. The clerk was shocked when she saw my total and said she couldn’t believe it.

Tip 11: Don’t be afraid to shop at thrift stores or consignment shops.

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Don’t be afraid to sift through the racks at your local thrift store. You never know what kind of gems you’ll find! Some people may turn their noses up at the idea of buying used clothing, but trust me, you can find new or like-new clothes at these places. Plus, you’re being eco-friendly by giving these clothes a new life. Just make sure you give them a good wash before wearing them. You don’t want any surprises lurking in those pockets.

Tip 12: Consign your clothes and then use the money you earn to buy new clothes at the same store.

There is a local boutique where I consign many of my children’s clothes and some of mine. A few weeks ago, I went into the consignment sale and got a great bag of clothes and, I literally, didn’t have to spend anything because I also consigned clothes there and had a nice credit to consume. 

Tip 13: Swap clothes with your friends.

If you are lucky enough to have a friend in a similar size, you can borrow clothes. This is especially helpful for special events. In the past, I’ve given friends bins of clothes I no longer wanted. It’s a great way to reuse and recycle and save your friends a few bucks!

In Summary

I think it’s these types of behaviors that have managed to save me such much money on clothes over the years. I hope you’ve found these tips helpful! Happy shopping, and save money on those clothes!

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