Frugal Living

Living frugally is about being mindful of your spending and making conscious decisions about where your money goes. It is not about being cheap, but rather finding ways to save money without sacrificing the things that are truly important to you. The first step towards frugal living is creating a budget and sticking to it. By doing this, you can identify areas where you can cut back and save more. It is also important to be mindful of your consumption, being selective about what you buy and avoiding impulse purchases. Taking the time to consider whether or not you really need something can prevent unnecessary spending. However, frugal living is not about deprivation or sacrifice, but rather finding ways to live a comfortable and fulfilling life while also being mindful of your finances. By implementing these tips and tricks, you can live more intentionally, spend less money, and conquer your cash.

woman getting a haircut

How to Save Money on Haircuts

Learn how to save significant money on hair cuts. Read tips for how to get started with cutting hair, if you dare!

blue and gray concrete house with attic during twilight

Discover How To Pay Off Your Mortgage Early And Be Free!

Learn tips to pay off your mortgage early. We paid off our mortgage in 6-1/2 years. Paying off your mortgage early is a way to avoid paying as much interest over the life of your loan. The sooner you start making extra payments to the mortgage principal, the more money you can save on paid interest.


My Top 3: Personal Finance Books for Becoming Financially Free

The problem many of us have with getting started with something new is that we have little to no foundational knowledge and we become overwhelmed, and as a result, we don’t start! Today I want to share a few favorite books of mine which can be a really valuable resource for your personal finance journey and make it less overwhelming.

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